Each week (Sunday evening or Monday morning) Kitty, Dan's AI PA generates several ideas based on what's been going on in the studio. The ideas are generally fairly poor, but now and then there's something that Daniel finds amusing (or sometimes even useful).

Everything below is AI generated, there should probably be special markup for that.

Idea 1: Modular Zine Creation


You have expressed challenges and interest in handling physical organization, including managing old and new studio spaces and handling code for layered design outputs. A modular zine creation system could provide a methodical and exciting way to experiment with layout designs in a way that's conducive to art shows or direct sales.


Create a system where zine modules (various art pieces or texts) can be dynamically arranged and combined based on themes or artistic explorations. Each module could be a standalone SVG generated by your code, combined manually or through a simple interface to form unique zines.

Possible Directions

Idea 2: Creative Journaling App


Your reflections on using technology in creative processes like effective journaling suggest a possible digital solution that merges art with tech to enhance personal creativity and organization.


Develop an app designed specifically for artists that incorporates features for visual journaling (drawing, pasting digital images), idea tracking, and schedule management, with more emphasis on visual inputs and creative prompts than typical productivity apps.

Possible Directions

Idea 3: Interactive Online Workshops


Given your focus on tutorials and educational videos, an expansion into interactive, real-time online workshops could foster deeper engagement with your audience and provide a more structured educational environment.


Develop a series of workshops where participants can code along with you in real-time, creating their generative art pieces. Provide pre-workshop materials and follow-up resources to enhance learning.

Possible Directions

Idea 4: Art-Based Research eBook Series


You’ve highlighted significant interest in arts-based research and the complexities of integrating technology with art. Creating an eBook series that discusses these topics could be both a creative and educational pursuit.


Write and compile your insights, experiments, and findings into a series of eBooks, which could serve as both an artistic expression and a guide for other artists interested in exploratory and interdisciplinary methods.

Possible Directions

Idea 5: Generative Art Streaming


Your use of generative art tools and preparation of content for different platforms can be transformed into a live experience where followers can see art created in real-time.


Set up a live streaming session where you code and explain your methods as your art takes shape. This visibility could demystify the process and broaden your audience.

Possible Directions

Idea 6: Digital Art Archive with Blockchain Integration


With your inclinations towards managing artworks and using blockchain, creating a digital archive for your artworks that records editions, ownership, and provenance could enhance their value and authenticity.


Develop a system where each piece of art created is logged on a blockchain. This registry could then be used not only to prove ownership but also to catalogue the modifications and the exhibition history of digital artworks.

Possible Directions

Totally New Idea: AI-Powered Color Palette Generator


Considering your interest in color grading and the optimal visual appeal of your artworks, an AI-powered tool that suggests or generates color palettes based on mood, thematic content, or even current art trends could be invaluable.


Develop a software tool or integrate with existing drawing applications where users can input desired emotions, themes, or sample images, and the AI recommends color palettes that match these inputs.

Possible Directions